There are several mistakes that all of us make when buying underwear and they are usually simply avoidable. This blog will help you identify these issues and how to avoid them in the future when shopping for your next set of lingerie. Take these into account for what you have now and you will always be looking sleek in your panties.
Firstly, the fit. Do not shop by panties by their sizing. Too often we buy panties that are not the right fit and they leave us uncomfortable for the length of their wear. Make sure you try them on before buying to make sure that they are right for you, a lot of the time a medium in some brands are more like a small or even extra small in some cases. Be wary of the size in comparison to your body.
If you are prone to yeast infections, avoid the thong! They are good for some occasions such as when you need a non-existent panty line or are getting it on later, but they do tend to bring on these infections.
When sleeping definitely opt for either a cotton panty or none at all. Wearing sexy underwear to bed may sound like a good idea but it certainly is not. In fact, although you may prefer the security panties give you for the nights rest, it is recommended to wear nothing at all if possible. This will minimise the likelihood of yeast infections and in general keep your lady parts healthier.
Going commando too often can also cause irritation down below. Keep in mind that when wearing pants the inner seam is likely to rub against your downstairs, so when opting for pants then a pair of panties will keep you comfortable and keep your lady parts in check.
When you start to sweat in the hotter summer months, make sure to change your panties twice daily, this will keep the sweat out of your most delicate areas and keep them clean.
When your panties begin to tear or fade get rid of them! Trashing your holey or torn underwear is the best way to avoid them before they cause you any briefs grief.
It may seem difficult at times to avoid that visible panty line in certain outfits, but this mistake is easily fixed. You may wear either a thong or even a pair of underwear that is one size larger so the seams can’t be seen.
The type of detergent we use is also important when washing our delicates. Choose a hypoallergenic detergent to keep your panties fresh and your lady parts happy!
Excessive use of shape wear is also a big no-no. This can sometimes decrease circulation or cause numbness to our body if worn for extended periods.
The camel toe has to go. The answer is not enough coverage! Opt for a hipster or seamless thong and make sure they are not too small! This will cure your camel toe when you want to wear your new leggings out of the house without the frontal wedgie.
Finally, fold your panties and place them separately to bras. This will avoid the damage from bra hooks and keep them looking newer for longer.
And don’t forget to treat yourself with a piece of Erotic Lingerie or Elegant Lingerie coupled with a body harness fashion lingerie or body chain fashion lingerie!