Thirty is the new sexy.

The dreaded three-o. if there’s anything I learned from television and media about turning thirty, its everything goes downhill from there; you’re either single and frustrated, married and unhappy, or in a job that doesn’t appreciate you. But how true is that?

The fun thing about life is that we get to stir the course of whatever path we find ourselves in, no matter how strange and unfamiliar it may be.  And while it’s easy to get worked up over the things we haven’t been able to accomplish and the regrets we have, there is more to the amazing decade than that. Regardless of marital, parental, or occupational status here are three awesome things about being thirty.

You made it. yes, we are going to get a little sappy here, ha-ha. The most amazing part of being thirty is getting to be thirty. We all come from different walks of life and varied experiences, but one thing stands true, not everyone got to experience this, but you did. With that in mind remember that every breath is a gift we can’t-not enjoy.

The journey that got you here. While its easier to focus on regrets its important to remember that every experience made you better fit to face the next, through knowledge or direct benefit. Think of your twenties as a jagged trial run, and now you are better focused on what you want and aspect from life and people.

The sex. Yes, you read right, the sex. Although people dread getting older for fear of losing their beauty and sex appeal, I am here to tell you that it only gets better. Your thirties are a time when you come into yourself and by extension, sexuality and sex appeal. The things that you may have bulked at before start to feel less intimidating and more exciting, and your understanding of your body will make finding and attaining pleasure far easier.

Buy sexy lingerie, get that haircut or bottle of wine, and say cheers to an exciting decade of self-fulfillment.

And don’t forget to treat yourself with a piece of Erotic Lingerie or Elegant Lingerie coupled with a body harness fashion lingerie or body chain fashion lingerie!

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