Boudoir Advocates United.. What is that?

BAU (or Boudoir Advocates United) is a boudoir advocacy body that is implementing a regulatory board that would oversee the Boudoir Photography Industry to elevate and mainstream the niche.

It was created by renowned Boudoir Photographers AmberLee Fuller and Brad Walsh.

It is imperative as a community of artists, that our community’s framework which guides our global family of niche-studio-members. BAU understands the underlying anxiety and burnout from which Creatives suffer, and the underlying reasons why our boudoir studios differ from “other small businesses.”

Every Creative in BAU has the opportunity to connect with like-minded studio-owners who can assist and guide them in keeping their business and home-life in healthy alignment.

Boudoir is a close-knit, global family of very-niche-photographers, specializing in boudoir photography.  Since its inception, BAU has become well-known in the industry as the premier advocacy body and most integrated network of of like-minded-artist who have successfully raised the bar in the photography industry in many ways.

Not only has the perception of boudoir photography greatly improved amongst longtime industry preconceived notions, but the individual member-studios of BAU have also seen a marked difference in the way their clients feel and trust the photographers of the Boudoir niche

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