The soft shuffling of his feet made a slight echo in the otherwise empty room but was drowned out by the clank of her heels. He still wouldn’t make eye contact clearly unsettled by his presence in a lingerie store and the stunning brunette in front of him. “if you are looking to buy […]
Carmen makes a big sale PT. 1
Carmen stared at the roof of the shop for a few minutes, letting the minutes go by while she sat swinging her legs in a non-committal motion. Turning her head, she stared at the clock on the wall, listening and watching as the hands moved slowly. She was bored out of her brains, there was […]
Thirty is the new sexy.
The dreaded three-o. if there’s anything I learned from television and media about turning thirty, its everything goes downhill from there; you’re either single and frustrated, married and unhappy, or in a job that doesn’t appreciate you. But how true is that? The fun thing about life is that we get to stir the course […]
A Night To Remember… Always
The night sky was endless as I looked above me. I sat outside on the balcony, with a wine in one hand and a good book in the other. Erotica was my vice, since I really was not getting any as it was. My partner, Dave, was never in the mood these days it seemed, […]
Buying For Plus Size Bras
There are so many women that struggle with buying bras for larger breasts. We can wonder why this may be, why do companies opt to cater for this size in the styles of bras that they manufacture when so many women find it hard to get something suited for their cup size and chest dimensions. […]
Lingerie Items That We All Need For Family Holidays
Whether it is Christmas, Thanks Giving or even Easter, which is coming up pretty soon, most of us will be travelling home to spend this precious time off work with our families. But then comes the question fo what items we will need to take with us and even what lingerie is most appropriate to […]
Just Another Hot Night
Jason and I had had our fair share of disagreements, but this was by far the worst. I could not tell whose fault it really was, his or mine, but I was determined to right my wrongs and show him what a good girl I could be. I just had to think of how. I […]
Choosing The Right Bra For Your Clothing
Every woman has been caught out before. Our outfit is too revealing or not the right ft for the bra that we have chosen beneath. You don’t want to be seeing bra straps of back bands under your clothes and so we have devised an extensive list to help you pick out which bras will […]
Bra Problems, A Thing Of The Past
We have all had those issues with one of our most intimate pieces of clothing. Its hard to adjust in public and can often leave you uncomfortable all day long. Whether you are at work, home or the supermarket, here is a list of common bra problems and how to avoid them so you never […]
Getting The Right Fit For Your Bra
We have all had at least one ill-fitting bra in our time. Giving us bulges here or strap marks there that we really don’t want at all. This guide will help you to find the perfect fit every time, so that all your bras are your favourite bras. First things first, do not be fixed […]